When you hear the word blockchain, it's implied that you are talking about the "main net" where transactions have real monetary value. But there is a "test net" blockchain where developers can program and test their code before it goes live called Rinkeby. It doesn't use Proof of Work calculations, and operates by what's known as Proof of Authority. The Rinkeby network is where I spent countless hours testing, debugging and minting Ringers in preparation for the launch. I personally minted almost 1,000 Ringers during this process. In a parallel universe, this set could have been minted on the main net, but because they were generated on the Rinkeby network, they technically have no value from a blockchain perspective. And so I present what I call "The Rinkeby Sessions" master print open editions for those who want to own a piece of Ringers history, but were unable or unwilling to purchase one on the Ethereum main net. There are ten prints with 100 Ringers each in the order they were minted. While many who are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency might not understand why main net Ringers have any value, many who are familiar with cryptocurrency might wonder why you are assigning value to these test net Ringers.